Schedule of Play for the 2017 Gallagher NS Open – Updated 8:30pm

Play will begin at 8:00am on Monday, August 28th

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  1. Marijke Nel vs Lauren Foote– WOS
  2. Michelle Karis vs L.Ramsay – WOS
  3. Katie Mallam vs Darah Ross – WOS
  4. Orlik/Ramsay vs Anderson/Jardine – WCAD
  5. Mark Boudreau vs Matt Creelman – M45
  6. Brian Yuen vs Josef Mir – M40
  7. Jennifer Minor vs Maureen Wheller – WCB


  1. Fouad AbiDaoud vs Stephen O’Neill – M40
  2. Remi VanderLeest vs Colin Piercey – M45


  1. John McNicol vs Stewart Strang – M55
  2. Sid MacIsaac vs Doug Pope – M55
  3. Mir/Nickerson vs Kinley/Reidy – WCAD


  1. Stephen Foss vs Jay Abbass – M55
  2. Bill Scollard vs Greg Spenser – M55
  3. Dave Matthews vs Julian Beltrame – M65


  1. McDonoughs vs Tremaine/Ramsay – P/C
  2. Clows vs Weatherstons – P/C
  3. Gerards vs Ramsays – P/C


  1. Anands vs Mirs – P/C
  2. Conlons vs Wayes – P/C
  3. Ross’s vs A&K Mir


  1. Roths vs Orliks – P/C
  2. Keatings vs Jakemans – P/C
  3. Peter Ungurain vs Robert Panahi – M30


  1. Bethune/Dietrich vs Balcome/McNicol – MCAD
  2. McDonough/Anderson vs Oxner/Fullerton – MOD


  1. Gaunce/Power vs Hughes/Kenny – MOD
  2. Chauhans vs Conlons – F/S
  3. Nobbes vs Foss – F/S




  1. Dowdell/Oxner vs Kahwash/VanAmburg – MOD
  2. Cisek/McNicol vs Jockel/MacPherson – MOD
  3. Goldberg/Marquis vs Reddings – MCAD


  1. Minor/Taylor vs Fowler/German – WCAD
  2. Rebecca Conlon vs Lesek Demont – WCB
  3. Minors vs winner P/C


  1. Saunders/Mallam vs winner Gaunce/McShane – MXOD
  2. Weatherston vs winner Strang/Yazbeck – M45
  3. Johnny Hughes vs Dennis Bruce – M45


  1. Anderson/Ross vs Kalai/Ramsay – WOD
  2. Connor Motherwell vs Timofei Safine – BU14


  1. Draper/MacNeil vs Marshall/Lesperance – M65D
  2. Goldberg/Reidy vs AbiDouad/Blanchard – MX35


  1. Barratt/Clow vs Minor/Mir – Bu12D
  2. Brown/Robinson vs Currie/Mir – BU12D
  3. Winner Cloake/Phillip vs Winner Redding/Boudreau – MCA


  1. Ehler/Piggott vs Buckland/Ross – M55D
  2. Ramsays vs winner Orlik/Roth – P/C
  3. Winner Richard/Cloake vs Winner Minor/Keough – MCA


  1. Winner Yuen/ Mir/Theriault vs Winner Piercey/Ross – MCA
  2. Anna Nicolela vs Isobel Anderson – WOS Gallagher Insured Match of the Day Court 6
  3. Winner Nobbe/AbiDouad vs Winner Lee/Buott – MCA
  4. Winner Anand/Hajek vs Winner Scollard/Gavel – MCA


  1. Dennis Bruce vs winner Yip/Balcome – MCA
  2. Winner Auld/MacIsaac vs winner McIntyre/Chauhan – MCA
  3. Winner Poole/Creelman vs Winner Nicolela/Roper – MCA
  4. Orlik/Ramsay vs Bodurtha/Hanada – U10D
  5. Kenny/Dunn vs Royle/Chavy – 100MX