COVID-19 Update: May 28, 2021

On Friday the province announced some upcoming changes to sport regulations in Nova Scotia. These changes will become effective Wednesday, June 2. The changes coming on Wednesday will apply to everywhere in the province

Sport Nova Scotia Changes Effective Wednesday, June 2 

Outdoor training and practices will be permitted for groups of 10. The 10 includes all participants and staff, and the groups must remain consistent from practice to practice. Multiple groups of 10 will be allowed on the field of play at a time as long as they can ensure that they remain physically distanced. There can be no alternating participants between groups at any time. 


Beginning on June 2nd:

-private tennis lessons can be offered indoors
-no indoor singles play will be permitted as yet

-group tennis lessons (practices) can be offered outdoors with as many as 10 participants (including coaches) on a tennis court (field of play) as long as the coach can ensure physical distancing. In addition, participants within each group must remain consistent for each lesson or practice until further notice

-all players/participants need to provide a COVID self assessment ahead of each lesson/practice 

-no tournaments or competitions until further notice


-Every tennis facility should develop their own Covid plan which includes:

*a way for all visitors to complete a self-assessment prior to each visit 

*hand Sanitizers available throughout the facility and on each outdoor court

*court access & egress arrows to help all visitors avoid contact with others & stay socially distanced

*coaches/pros should take chalk or other means on court to ensure proper social distancing 

*limit all programs to a max of 6 players and 1 coach per court